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B'nai Mitzvah

Mazal Tov on your Bar or Bat Mitzvah!

To be called to the Torah as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah (meaning “son/daughter of the commandment”)
marks a significant milestone in the journey from childhood to maturity for Jewish boys and girls.

At Beth Torah, we strive to ensure that each child and his/her family will experience the spiritual
power of this ceremony in a positive, meaningful way. For more information about B’nai Mitzvah
at Beth Torah, please contact Cantor Ben Silverberg, our B’nai Mitzvah Concierge.

To get started, complete the intake form below and our staff will respond with next steps.

B'nai Mitzvah Intake Form

Thank you for sharing this information with us!
It will help us make your day special.

Family Information

(e.g. Mike instead of Michael, he/him)


Types of Services

The following are the Bar and Bat Mitzvah services that we offer. Please choose the ones that you feel would be most meaningful to you and your child. While we try to accommodate families' needs, your best opportunity to book a Bar or Bat Mitzvah would be a Saturday morning.

  • Child reads from the Torah and chants a Haftorah
  • A good command of Hebrew is suggested
  • Child will be singing in front of invited guests and regular Congregants
  • Service is approximately 3 hours followed by a lunch with your invited guests
  • Child reads from the Torah
  • Only invited guests attend
  • One hour and fifteen minute service
  • Service ends with Havdalah
  • Service followed by cocktails followed by dinner / dance party
  • Child reads from the Torah - the portion for the New Moon
  • Invited guests attend
  • Service is 1 hour
  • Service is followed by breakfast or brunch
  • Child reads from the Torah – 1/7th of that week’s Shabbat Torah portion
  • Invited guests attend
  • Service is 45 minutes to 1 hour
  • Service is followed by breakfast or brunch

  • Child reads from the Torah – 1/7th of that week’s Shabbat Torah portion
  • Invited guests attend
  • Service is 45 minutes to 1 hour
  • Service is followed by breakfast or brunch

Additional Information


Thu, 6 March 2025 6 Adar 5785